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Course Catalog

CTAP Online offers a growing library of online professional development for educators. Our courses includes personal proficiency with technology, and advanced courses in designing standards-based lessons and classroom assessments, technology integration in the curriculum, information literacy, and more. Click here to learn more.

Personal Proficiency Courses

Basic computer skills course logo Basic Computer Skills
* CTAP 010_01: Windows 95/NT
* CTAP 010_02: Windows 98
* CTAP 010_03: Windows Me
* CTAP 010_05: Windows XP
* CTAP 011_01: Macintosh
* CTAP 011_02: Mac OSX

Internet course logo Internet
* CTAP 020_01: Netscape Nav. 4.x
* CTAP 021_01: I.E. 4.x - 5.x
* CTAP 021_02: I.E. 6.0 (Windows)

E-mail course logo E-mail
* CTAP 030_01: Netscape Msgr. 4.x
* CTAP 031_02: Outlook 2002 for PC

Word processing course logo Word Processing
* CTAP 040_01: MS Word 97
* CTAP 040_03: MS Word 2002 (Win)
* CTAP 041_01: Claris Works

Paint and graphics course logo Painting and Graphics
* CTAP 050_01: Various Applications

Desktop publishing course logo Desktop Publishing
* CTAP 060_01: MS Word 97
* CTAP 060_02: MS Word 2002
* CTAP 061_01: Claris Works

Spreadsheet course logo Spreadsheet
* CTAP 070_01: MS Excel 97
* CTAP 070_02: Excel 2002
* CTAP 071_01: Claris Works

Database course logo Database
* CTAP 080_01: MS Access 97
* CTAP 081_01: Claris Works
* CTAP 082_02: FileMaker Pro 5.5

Presentation course logo Presentation
* CTAP 090_01: MS PowerPoint 97
* CTAP 090_03: MS PowerPoint 2002


* New CTAP 100 Series course aligned to CTAP2 / iAssessment Proficiency Rubrics

Advanced Courses

Assisting Students with Technology course logo
CTAP 120
Assisting Students with Technology

Web Page Design (Netscape Composer) course logo
CTAP 161
Web Page Design (Netscape Composer)

Information Literacy and the Internet course logo
CTAP 201
Information Literacy and the Internet

Standards & Technology in the K-8 Classroom course logo
CTAP 205
Standards & Technology in the K-8 Classroom

Standards & Technology in the 9-12 Classroom course logo
CTAP 210
Standards & Technology in the 9-12 Classroom

Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond course logo
CTAP 310
Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond