CTAP Online offers a growing library of online professional development for educators. Our courses includes personal proficiency with technology, and advanced courses in designing standards-based lessons and classroom assessments, technology integration in the curriculum, information literacy, and more. Click here to learn more.
Basic Computer Skills
* CTAP 010_01: Windows 95/NT
* CTAP 010_02: Windows 98
* CTAP 010_03: Windows Me
* CTAP 010_05: Windows XP
* CTAP 011_01: Macintosh
* CTAP 011_02: Mac OSX
* CTAP 020_01: Netscape Nav. 4.x
* CTAP 021_01: I.E. 4.x - 5.x
* CTAP 021_02: I.E. 6.0 (Windows)
* CTAP 030_01: Netscape Msgr. 4.x
* CTAP 031_02: Outlook 2002 for PC
Word Processing
* CTAP 040_01: MS Word 97
* CTAP 040_03: MS Word 2002 (Win)
* CTAP 041_01: Claris Works
Painting and Graphics
* CTAP 050_01: Various Applications
Desktop Publishing
* CTAP 060_01: MS Word 97
* CTAP 060_02: MS Word 2002
* CTAP 061_01: Claris Works
* CTAP 070_01: MS Excel 97
* CTAP 070_02: Excel 2002
* CTAP 071_01: Claris Works
* CTAP 080_01: MS Access 97
* CTAP 081_01: Claris Works
* CTAP 082_02: FileMaker Pro 5.5
* CTAP 090_01: MS PowerPoint 97
* CTAP 090_03: MS PowerPoint 2002

Assisting Students with Technology

Web Page Design (Netscape Composer)

Information Literacy and the Internet

Standards & Technology in the K-8 Classroom

Standards & Technology in the 9-12 Classroom

Technology Integration: Standards and Beyond